7 Privileges New Jerseyans Have That The Rest Of The U.S. Doesn’t

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We know there are amazing places to live all over the United States, but we’ve got to say, there’s something special about New Jersey. There’s a reason that New Jerseyans are loud and proud about the best things about living in New Jersey: it’s an amazing place! There are so many privileges that living in New Jersey has, and we’re well aware that not everyone in the country gets to enjoy these privileges. Here are just a few of the best things in New Jersey:

1. Pizza in New Jersey is some of the best pizza in the country.

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Seriously. We know that NYC may have a few words about this, but we also know that they’re just plain wrong. You’re guaranteed an amazing slice of pie here. And don’t even get us started on our bagels – they deserve a shout-out, too!

2. The landscape in New Jersey is very varied.

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For a small state, we have an impressive array of ecosystems here! We’re talking majestic pine forests that sprawl for miles, beautiful mountains, bustling metropolitan systems, and, of course, one of the best shorelines around!

3. The people here are known for their (at times) brutal honesty, but in general, they’re also extremely kind.

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New Jerseyans have a reputation for being loud and honest almost to a fault, but we’re also incredibly friendly! You always know where you stand with someone from New Jersey.

4. You’re super close to two of the best cities in the nation.

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The proximity to both New York City and Philadelphia makes New Jersey an ideal place to live, especially if you commute for work.

5. There are so many beautiful beaches in New Jersey.

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There’s a reason the Jersey Shore is so famous, and it’s not all from the reality show. The beaches here are unbeatable. No matter where you live in New Jersey, you’re never too far from an amazing beach.

6. There are Wawas everywhere.

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We all know Wawa is one of the best things in New Jersey. It’s so much more than a gas station. It’s a magical place. The food is amazing. The convenience is amazing. Can you find a better spot? We think not.

7. You never have to pump your gas yourself again.

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Need I say more?

So how about it: did we cover all the best things about living in New Jersey? There’s something so special about the Garden State! The people who live here are super lucky, and we certainly know it.

If you want to show off your Jersey pride everywhere you go, check out the great gear available at Wear Your Roots.